Chiller & Boiler Services

Your Chiller & Boiler Services Experts
SMI offers Quality Chiller and Boiler Services. An experienced staff delivers outstanding Design, Construction, and Repair Services. We approach Chiller and Boiler systems based on application needs, energy efficiency, and GWP considerations. SMI carries an R stamp certification for code welding repair procedures on high-pressure boiler tubes and vessels.
SMI has the tools, know-how, and qualified staff to install, repair, and maintain your Chiller and Boiler Systems.
Chiller & Boiler Services provided by SMI
Design Build Services
Equipment Manufacturing
System Installation
UL508A Control Panel Manufacturing
HMI / SCADA System Development
CARB Reporting & Maintenance
Boiler Tube Repair (Code Welding)
Vibration Analysis & Reporting
Thermal Imaging & Reporting
P&ID Generation or Modification
Engineering & Drafting
Equipment Sales
System Modifications
PLC Programming
24 hr. Refrigeration Service
Building Environmental Controls
Flow Control Valves
Compressor & Pump Rebuild Services
Predictive Maintenance Programs
Mechanical Pipe Insulation